Self-managed super fund annual return provides and combines annual reporting data and taxation information to the tax office.
An annual return, inclusive of the members’ contribution statement is required to be lodged whether or not the Fund has to pay any tax for the year.
The audit of the fund must be completed before the annual return can be lodged.
SMSFs are required include details of the fund’s bank account and electronic service address alias details, if they have one.
Annual returns can be lodged electronically via a tax Agent or via approved software, or with a print of the paper return form obtained from the Tax Office (see download link below).
SMSF returns lodgment dates
Returns not lodged via a Tax Agent are required by 31 October or 28 February. For detailed lodgement requirements see Lodge SMSF annual returns
Overdue Returns
As a compliance measure, the Tax Office penalises SMSFs with two or more overdue annual returns by removing them from the publicly available Super Fund Lookup register.
Offending super funds will be notified in writing when this action is taken, and will be reminding APRA funds to check the register before approving rollovers.
The effect of removal from the register will be to prevent the offending SMSF from receiving rollovers, or other actions such as establishing contribution arrangements with an arms length party.
Tax Forms
For current or prior year tax forms, see Tax Forms
This page was last modified 2021-07-07