This is general information and not advice. For more complete information see ACT Revenue Office.
See COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Relief Measures
ACT Payroll Tax Rate
The payroll tax rate is 6.85% of taxable wages.
From 1 July 2025, larger businesses to pay a surcharge:
- Surcharge of 0.25% for businesses with Australia-wide wages above $50 million
- Surcharge of 0.50% for businesses with Australia-wide wages above $100 million
Budget measure announced 27 June 2023.
Payroll Tax Threshold in ACT
From 1 July 2016 the annual tax threshold is $2 million or $166,666.66 per month
From 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2016 the annual tax threshold was $1.85 million or $154,166.66 per month
Harmonisation – In a 2014-15 budget measure the ‘genuine employer’ exemption was removed with effect from 1 January 2015 for employment agents to bring the ACT more into line with other jurisdictions.
The payroll tax annual threshold for the 2013-14 financial year was $1,750,000 or $145,833.33 per month
Rates and thresholds for earlier years are here.
The threshold amount is deducted from annual Australian wages to determine the actual payroll tax liability for the year. This calculated liability is then compared to the total of monthly returns, resulting in either a balance to pay, or a refund due.
For monthly returns and the necessary monthly tax calculations, the annual deduction is converted to a monthly deduction amount.
ACT Payroll Tax Due dates
- Monthly returns and payment are due seven days after the end of each month, except for December (14 days) and June
- An annual reconciliation return is required by 21 July each year, which includes the June return
Due dates falling on a weekend or a public holiday, are automatically deferred until the next working day.
ACT Payroll Tax Wages
Taxable wages for payroll tax purposes includes not only wages/salaries, but also employer superannuation contributions, commissions, bonuses, allowances, directors’ fees, fringe benefits, the taxable component of termination payments and payments to relevant contractors.
The definition of wages is also expanded to include a range of contractor payments, allowances and fringe benefits as they are defined under the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986.
See in detail: Taxable Wages
ACT payroll tax exemptions
Exemptions include:
- new starters receiving eligible training
- paid maternity, adoption and primary carer leave
- Paid Parental Leave
- long service leave or an approved redundancy (if it’s not a fringe benefit)
- termination and genuine redundancy payments
See further here: exempt wages and payments
Generally, all allowances are taxable for payroll tax purposes but motor vehicle and overnight accommodation allowances are not unless they exceed the exempt component. The exempt rates for motor vehicle and accommodation allowances are based on the fringe benefits tax position. See PTA005 – Exempt Allowances – Motor Vehicle and Accommodation and PTA011 Allowances and Reimbursements
ACT Payroll Tax and Contractors
The definition of wages for payroll tax purposes includes payments contractors who provide predominantly labour, and who mainly work for one person. The contractor provisions can apply whether or not the services are provided through another entity such as a company or trust, and deemed wage amounts exclude any GST component.
See in detail: Contractors
ACT Payroll Tax Grouping Provisions
Payroll values of grouped entities are added together for taxing purposes so that the deductible threshold is only available once within groups of related parties. Relationships (and hence aggregation of payroll amounts) are determined on the basis of :
- Related companies according to the Corporations Act definition
- Use of common employees
- Common control by one or more persons
- Tracing of aggregate controlling interests
The Commissioner may exclude a person from group membership for payroll tax purposes upon written application.
See in detail: Grouping
ACT Payroll Tax Registration
Registration is online and payment of payroll tax is required by the 7th day of the month following the month in which wages exceed the monthly deduction threshold level.
See more: Registration
Further information
For further detailed information see all ACT Revenue Office circulars here.
This page was last modified 2021-06-25