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FBT Record Keeping Exemption Threshold

The Fringe Benefits Tax exemption thresholds for the purposes of section 135C of the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986.

Section 132(1) provides that relevant records must be kept for up to 5 years after the completion of the transactions or acts to which they relate.

A record-keeping exemption is available for lower-value FBT benefits (with some limitations), and the FBT liability is accordingly calculated using the value determined in an earlier “base year”, which is a year in which all the record-keeping requirements have been met.

The qualifying lower-value of FBT benefits is referred to as the exemption threshold. It is a value specified pursuant to section 135C and adjusted for inflation (according to the All Groups Consumer Price Index to 31 December) each year.

FBT Year EndingExemption Threshold
31 March 2025$10,334
31 March 2024$9,786
31 March 2023$9,181
31 March 2022$8,923
31 March 2021$8,853
31 March 2020$8,714TD 2019/4
31 March 2019$8,552TD 2018/5
31 March 2018$8,393TD 2017/2
31 March 2017$8,286TD 2016/2
31 March 2016$8,164TD 2015/5
31 March 2015$7,965TD 2014/4
31 March 2014$7,779TD 2013/6
31 March 2013$7,642TD 2012/3
31 March 2012$7,391
31 March 2011$7,190
31 March 2010$7,063
31 March 2009$6,766
31 March 2008$6,614
31 March 2007$6,391
31 March 2006$6,223
31 March 2005$6,084
31 March 2004$5,919
31 March 2003$5,747

For further information (including details of exceptions and limitations) see here.

This page was last modified 2024-03-29